Mass Timber Moisture Management - Prefab Facades

I have had a few great comments on my moisture management post about various solutions, including getting the building wrapped up as fast as possible using prefab systems. I completely agree, and is a large value add to systems like our prefab mass timber facade panel system at Intelligent City.

Getting your envelope onto the building ASAP will minimize the time your timber is exposed to the elements. The longer your wood sits out in the rain, the deeper the water will soak into the wood, ultimately prolonging your dry out period. The time savings will compound when you consider all of the knock on effects that getting your enclosure up quickly can contribute to.

In addition to a dryer place for your timber to hang out, your on site labor force will also be protected from the elements. They will have a safer work environment with fewer opportunities for accidents at slab edges or slips on the job site. Your trades can also follow on as soon as the building is dried in, opening up a world of opportunity for prefab finishes, like bathroom and kitchen pods, since they will be protected in place.

Photo Credit: Intelligent CityCity

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Insurance for Mass Timber Buildings


Mass Timber Moisture Management